Developing and Adapting Conventional Teaching Methods to Meet the Individual Needs of Pupils

Depending on the nature and severity of a special education student's disability or special need, teachers with special education degrees can use some conventional teaching methods—that is, methods employed in a general education setting—with their students as well as unconventional methods. By using different teaching methods and styles, a special education teacher can help his or her student reach his or her potential. The nature of disabilities and special needs often means that strictly conventional teaching methods are ineffective for—if not overwhelming or a poor fit for the abilities of—many special education students. However, a special education teacher can adapt the teaching methods and styles used in general education classrooms for their students' benefit. Special education and general education teachers often share knowledge and can learn about effective teaching strategies from each other.

Because of the current trend of including many students with disabilities or special needs in general education classrooms, the special education teachers assigned to help such students have become adept at adapting conventional methods to help them learn. While accommodations must be made for students with disabilities or special needs in general education classrooms, such students are expected to participate in the general education learning experience as much as possible. However, special education students might need their teachers to adapt the general education classroom conventions by, for example, increasing the time such students have to complete a test, developing a specially modified test, or having learning materials read aloud to them.