Communication With Parents and Guardians

Another important responsibility for someone aspiring to acquire a special education degree and become a special education teacher is to regularly communicate with students' parents or guardians. Parents and guardians, as well as other family members, play a big role in ensuring that their child with a disability receives support to develop physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and adaptive abilities. Special education teachers who work with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers who have been diagnosed with a developmental delay teach parents or guardians various stimulating activities and strategies that help the child's motor, cognitive, language, and social skills develop. These special education teachers also use play to help children develop these needed skills. As children with special needs reach school age, professionals work with parents and guardians to determine which type of educational service would be best for the student, from being fully included in a general education classroom to a completely separate learning experience. Parents or guardians also play a role in the development of their child's IEP, which is often reviewed and re-written annually. The IEP includes goals for the year, and special education teachers must regularly inform parents or guardians of progress made towards those goals. Progress reports are usually given to parents or guardians of special education students at least as often as they are given to the parents or guardians of general education students. Special education teachers also recommend ways that parents or guardians of special education students can help their child learn at home.