Attending Statutory Annual Reviews or Other Related Meetings

For teachers with special education degrees, meetings about their students are a regular, if not essential, part of the position. Special education teachers often write—or at least collaborate with others on—their students' IEPs. The IEP is mandated by law under the Individuals with Disabilities Act. Special education teachers must not only help their students make educational progress towards the goals defined in the IEPs using the learning methods described therein, but must also keep extensive records and attend regular meetings where the progress and learning experience are discussed. Federal law also mandates at least an annual meeting about each student's IEP. During this review, which includes other administrators, teachers, teacher's assistants, health professionals, therapists, and parents or guardians, the progress made towards the goals laid out in the IEP is discussed as is any modifications that must be made to the IEP in the coming year. Other meetings take place as needed during the year as well. For example, if a student in a special education class is struggling with the benchmarks, goals, or teaching methods laid out in the IEP, a meeting can be called by the special education teacher or other members of the student's team to modify the IEP as needed.